My youngest boy, jeremy, never ceases to amaze me. Actually, even though he is just a kid, he 's got a wild mind. When he was five years old, he'd say some wild things, like, "if there was a bomb in a house, and somebody detonated it, would everybody die? Tonight I was in his room and he showed me his latest creation, Prince Bob, which happened to be an anchovy that he dried out and put in a ziplock bag full of baking soda. "I am drying him out" he said. So he made his little playtoy out of an anchovy. On the other hand, we were watching TV one day and out of the blue, he asked me why Bush had invaded Iraq and why he didn't get Osama first. So I can only think that his mind continues to soak up information. After all, he is an 11 year old, and perhaps that is just how an 11 year old mind works. I don't know, but he is quite amusing sometimes. he is a typical boy. He's got all kinds of pets, including two corn snakes, two mice, a pet largemouth bass in a 20 gallon tank, and his dog Kimo, a mixed breed poi dog, who is actually very intelligent. But we didn't teach the dog to use the toilet.
Last week, I asked him to pick up his dog's business. you see, his "job" is to pick up after his dog, and make sure he feeds him and all that. For the most part, he does the chore really well, but for the last month or so, California was hit with some serious rain, and well, the dog's business can get all grossed out, more so than it already is, so he slacked off, which was understandable considering the rain and all, but when I asked him to one day, he shot back, "you haven't paid me in like three weeks" and I said to him, well, that is because you haven't been doing your job." well you haven't paid me, he said. and I repeated that he hasn't done his job, so he up and goes , "Well then I quit," and I was really surprised. But he didn't quit, he went and did his job and I paid him his $5 a week. He's a smart kid, sometimes crafty, but I sometimes I just need to remember that he is just an 11 year old kid. Just now, he was laying on my bed and said, "you know what would hurt, if I fell off the bed and landed on my head, how many brain cells do you thing I would have lost? What kind of crazienss is that?