Monday, May 30, 2005

Getting Married?

i've been pretty busy the last few weeks, what with a broken notebook computer and a sometimes online sometimes not desktop PC that it has been tough to update this blog. But at any rate, we had memorial day dinner yesterday with my friend David, the best man at my wedding. David has a new woman in his life, April, who has two kids of her own. David has a boy of his own from a previous marriage. We've met April before, but she has just moved in with David in his new condo. They've been going out for about 8 months, and she really wants to marry David. She wants the ring. Thing is, I think David wants to really take his time with this one. His first marriage crashed and burned when he caught his wife with another man. I was living in Hawaii at the time so I didn't know what was going on. But April, she really seems intent on getting married really quick. She was even pushing a September wedding but that seems to be too soon. So I don't blame him if he wants to take it slow because I know what he is talking about. We'll see. Now that she is moved in, she will really get to know him and he will really get to know her. I hope that she is sincere and doesn't want to burn my good friend. He is smart though so we'll see how he plays this one.

On another note, Josh and I are building a PC together. We got the motherboard, case RAM graphics card, and hard drive. What we need now is the OS and the CPU. We put together an AMD machine, from a motherboard that Soyo sent me last year. Just haven't got around to build it. At Fry's, our cashier was a Filipina. I asked if she was and she was curious how I knew. I just told her that she looked like a Filipina. We made some small talk and it turned out that she came to the US when she was three, so she was basically raised here. She thought I was hawaiian and didn't believe me when I told her I was a Filipino born here, or the PC term Filipino-American. And she was absolutely beautiful. She was really mestiza, with long black hair, probably around 5ft 2 or so, with a real sweet smile. She was really the kind of girl who oozed sweetness, as if you got close to her she'd smell really sweet. Anyway, well enough of the fetishness of such thinking. She was cute. End of story.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Tennis Anyone?

Josh, Jeremy and myself played tennis Saturday. It was the first time we played since we moved back from Hawaii. And I have to say that Jeremy hasn't changed a bit. he still thinks he is trying to hit a home run and would rather just mess around than try and hit the ball over the net. Josh is still the same too. Slightly uncoordinated. Me? I am just getting older. The hardest part was trying to find an open court. We first went to Golden West College. All the courts were taken or locked up. So we went and tried to find Marina High School, which we finally did after a while wasting gas. All its courst were locked up. So we went to Ocean View , and all the courst were taken there. We ehaded back to a park by Marina High and there was an open court. Actually Josh pointed out that the court was open the first time we passed it, but I either didn;t want to stop for fear of having to actuallyu play some tenis, or I just wanted to play somewhere else. We stopped anyway and got to play on the court. We were slow at first but got into it a little bit ebfore we decided to call it quits. We played for about an hour and a half. I was sore the following day. Looks like we might try to play some more this weekend as well. Hopefuklly we can stick to it and get better.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

That elusive wallet full of cash and no ID.

As I was driving home from the beach the other day I noticed a wallet in the street. Thinking that it would be the wallet with a bunch of $100 bills in it with No ID, I turned around and picked it up. Sad to say, the wallet had only $101 in it and worse, it had an ID, in addition to some credit cards, etc.

It turns out it was a woman's and when I returned it to her house, she had no idea that she had lost it. Imagine that. She must have put it on top of her car or something, because what kind of woman would throw a wallet full of money out the car window? Well, the search goes on for that elusive wallet full of cash and no ID. That is the second wallet I've found in Huntington Beach, and the second wallet that I returned. And both were women's wallets. third time will hopefully be the charm. A wallet with say $1000 in it with no ID. Thats the wallet I want to find one of these days.