Not really, but the illegal aliens in the United States have mobilized and marched on May 1, DEMANDING amnesty AND citizenship. Imagine that, they break the law and come here illegally without papers, settle and find jobs, and because they "work", they demand that they become citizens, while other people all over the world can't even get visas to come here or have to wait 15 to 20 years for a relative's petition to be approved so they can come here, yet the mexicans who are here are demanding citizenship?
Picture at left. Since when could only illegals make burritos? I can make a burrito and I ain't even mexican.That is really galling, but hey, they are mexicans and many of them can be like that.
When they boycotted school and work on May 1, the freeways in Southern California were traffic free, so I am imagining that their marching that day in LA and elsewhere throughout the USA unclogged the freeways. So is all the traffic caused by illegal immigrants who shouldn't be here in the first place? Makes you wonder. All I know it was smooth sailing on the 405.
They claim that they do jobs that ordinary Americans won't do, but do they do their jobs correctly? Would you want your house built by illegal mexican labor? American business is ADDICTED to Cheap labor. That million dollar house in Orange County was probably built by illegal Mexican labor. The skilled Americans won't work for as cheap as the unskilled mexicans in construction any more.
My friend Mike has been doing construction since he dropped out of high school, and he has witnessed how the Mexicans come in and just wreaked havoc on the carpenter's trade. So much for carpenter unions. It became so bad for him that he had to start his own business, yet guess what, he employs illegals as well, because they are cheap. It is the same that happened during the 20s and 30s when the Filipinos were brought over to America to work the fields. Once they organized and demanded better wages and work conditions, the farm owners just moved to Mexicans who were cheaper. So now that the mexicans are here doing the jobs that "Americans" won't do, what immigrant group will be next? The Africans from Darfur? The Indians? The Chinese?
This country is a nation of laws, and the illegal immigrants don't have the right to demand citizenship or Amnesty, because they jumped the fence to get here, ahead of all the other potential immigrants, to be here. They should wait in line along with all the rest of the world who wants to live in American and become citizens. Thi isn't a racist issue. It is an issue about the rule of law. Citizenship is earned, it can't be demanded.