Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hawaii 2008

We just got back from our annual trip to Hawaii, but sadly, this trip we didn't get to stay in our house because my lil sister decided to quit her cushy job at Kapiolani Hospital and move to San Francisco to be with her bf. So, the Manoa house is being rented out by a college student and her mother. We stayed in at the Ilikai Marina Condotel, overlooking Ala Moana Bowls, my favorite surf spot of all time. We didn't hear the birds, and didn't get to feel the tradewinds coming over the Koolau's down into Manoa Valley, which was a bummer, but were able to see Ala Moana break from the high rise. I'm not so fond of high rises, in fact, I don't like them much at all, but this one fronted Bowls, so that was a plus. Anyway, hopefully next time we can stay again in the house, but who knows when it'll be open. Ultimately I want to move back to Hawaii, when everything falls into place. I want to raise Juliana in Hawaii.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

of sex and Power

My how politicians attract sex along with their power, Former presidential aspirant John Edwards admit to having an affair with a wannabee movie producer, yet the Mainstream US media continues to hammer on him for being unfaithful to his wife, while she gets a free pass is beyond ridiculous. She knew he was a married man yet the Hunter (or Druck, or whatever her name is) chose to enter in what appears to be just a sexual relationship. Shame on him for not keeping his dick in his pants, BUT shame on her for sucking his dick.