It took our government five days to send food and water to the poor folks in New Orleans. What a disgrace. Five Days with no food and water for upward of 50,000 people in the hottest, dankest, wettest city in the United States. The Mayor of New Orleans sent pleas for help and FINALLY, after going on radio blasting the federal response to this disaster, imploring the feds to "get off their asses and do something," help arrived in the form of a photo op. After five days, Help Finally Arrived. The government had been telling the people that help was on the way, but for many, it was too little, too late. What a disgrace. And on top of this lack of response in the most urgent time of need, there was a photo op. The government had known this would happen for over 100 years. Yet nothing was done to try and stop it. On the contrary, the Bush Regime diverted monies that could have shored up the levee system in New Orleans to Homeland Security and the "War on Terror." The hurricane was being tracked for days, yet there was no federal plan in place to deal with the death and destruction that might have, and did occur. WHERE WAS FEMA?
The BUSH REGIME was put to the test when Katrina came bearing down, and sadly, the BUSH REGIME has failed that test.
For five days, George Bush sat on his ass and did nothing. Rather than cut his five week vacation short by two days, BUSH extended his vacation and sat on his ass and did nothing as the worst natural disaster was happening in BUSH COUNTRY. He was sitting on his ass watching all the black folks suffer on CNN.
This so called hands-on president finally arrived in the disaster zone, five days later, and was treated to a photo op with the governors of Mississippi and Alabama, the directors of Home land security and FEMA and others, praising each other on the excellent job that they did. On National TV. What a disgrace. The president, obviously taking a cue from one of his media clowns, came off the plane with his shirt sleeves rolled up, "ready to go to work." What a disgrace.
This is the United States of America, and we aren't supposed to have AMERICAN refugees on our shores, and we certainly are not supposed to have such an impotent response to a national disaster like Hurricane Katrine.
People died. Chaos ensued. Children were raped in the Superdome, and it took Bush five days to send in the Cavalry.
WHAT THE FUCK TOOK YOU SO LONG? Not enough white people in New Orleans? Not enough Republicans? The response in Florida last year was faster. BUSH IS A DISGRACE. He is a total National Disaster.
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THE SAME THING HAPPENED DURING HURRICANE ANDREW! REMEMBER? I do. But in that case, it took four days, and then, they set up a pathetic tent city. How in the hell is it that we didn't learn from Andrew? How could the same thing happen again? In this case, though, it caused poor, black people to die, needlessly. They would have been alive maybe two or three days without food or water, but not FIVE. I am so pissed and baffled. But I dontated $ to the American Red Cross and can only pray that the people of New Orleans get the F out the next time there is a storm, even if they have to hitch hike. Let's face it, they could have made better decisions or been better prepared. But the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana were, just, moot. Where were the leaders? No one took charge! I will miss the Big Easy.... Amy
I know the mayor and gov were not on the same page. One thing the mayor did do which probably saved thousands of lives was to open up the Superdome. If he didn't there surely would have been more bodies on the streets of New Orleans. When Bush declared a national disatser, that is when the feds should have come in, not three days after the declaration. Declaring a national disaster puts the feds in charge, the problem was, no one was in charge for five days.
New Orleans rocked, we had fun. esp. on Advanstar's dime!
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