Anyway, my daughter is now 14 months, my eldest son graduated from Mater Dei, and my middle child is going to be a sophomore at my Alma Mater. Those two boys are total opposites The eldest currelty likes blondies while the middle boy hangs with asians, which is sorta a non-surprise considering I was attracted to blondies in high school, but then became attracted to asians in college. Ah living in SoCal, that is what it does to you.

Anyway, back to my daughter. She is so cool. At 14 months, she can say a few words, and do a lot of things. For example, a week ago, I was currently indisposed ( I was sitting on the toilet, to be blunt, and my cell phone rang, which was in my office on the other side of the floor upstairs. Juliana, who is in her current cling-on stage was in the bathroom, sampling her new flavor of paper, which is tissue paper.
When the phone rang, she looked at me like she was surprised, so I said, "go get my phone juliana," which she then looked at me again, and proceeded to walk over to the room where my home office is, grabbed my cell phone, and walked back. By that time though, the phone already stopped ringing, but her actions just really amazed me, especially for a 14 month old. She has been walking for about two months now and is more confident with each step. She even wants to walk down the stairs, but I try and coax her into sliding down on her belly, because her attempts to walk down, well let's just say that it is way too early for herb to tackle that challenge.
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