Wednesday, May 04, 2005

That elusive wallet full of cash and no ID.

As I was driving home from the beach the other day I noticed a wallet in the street. Thinking that it would be the wallet with a bunch of $100 bills in it with No ID, I turned around and picked it up. Sad to say, the wallet had only $101 in it and worse, it had an ID, in addition to some credit cards, etc.

It turns out it was a woman's and when I returned it to her house, she had no idea that she had lost it. Imagine that. She must have put it on top of her car or something, because what kind of woman would throw a wallet full of money out the car window? Well, the search goes on for that elusive wallet full of cash and no ID. That is the second wallet I've found in Huntington Beach, and the second wallet that I returned. And both were women's wallets. third time will hopefully be the charm. A wallet with say $1000 in it with no ID. Thats the wallet I want to find one of these days.

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