Sunday, March 29, 2009

And back again

I've let this blog get a bit stale aws of late as I've been busy with other matters and frankly haven't had the desire to write. But alas, the desire has returned a bit, plus, I remembered my password to this thing, so I'm gonna be back. Soon. Juliana turned two, my dad had a whipple surgery for pancreatic cancer and is recovering, and I am seriously going to start working out again. Surfing is not enough (not that I get to do it often, which I don't, about three days a week), and I want to trim about 5 to 10lbs off my small frame. So at any rate, I'm going to try working out with my son jeremy at least thrice a week (thrice, who would use that word anyway? lol) and continue surfing three times a week. Im going to wean myself off junk food (I bailed on fast food about five years ago and have been successfully avoiding it), but I have to cut down on the sweetness. Once I achieve these things, I will be able to perform better in all aspects of my life. But alas, it is my life, and I have to take care of myself.

"Free your mind. . .the ass will follow"
Platoon 1986

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

welcome back! :)