Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pray to Kelea

Sheesh, there is still absolutely no surf at my local break. I am at my wit's end. Actually, it has really become a bummer that the surf has been so shitty, the negativity is really getting at me, and I need to do something about it right now. Hmmm, I can look at all the cool pictures on the Internet that shows the various tubes in Hawaii. . . no, that ain't gonna do it. I can go surf Huntington. With that crowd where everyone wants to be the next kelly slater? screw that. . . What about watching Riding Giants on the big screen? Opps! I sent that projector back to InFocus months ago. Well what the F can I do? Look through some surf magazines? That is like thumbing through Penthouse. Really it is. Surfer Magazine always shows the killer surf spots around the world with perfect barrels, just like Penthouse showed beautiful, yet unobtainable women with perfect. . . well you know. I guess I just need to pray to Kelea for surf. What about it Kelea, can you send some waves? I need to get tubed!

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